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Stay Cool and Confident with Pool Service from Coastline Pools


Pool Repair in Lincolnville, SC

Few summer activities are as enjoyable and refreshing as jumping in a pool when the temperatures heat up in South Carolina. That's especially true when you've got a family with children who love to splash around once school lets out. But owning a pool isn't only about having a convenient, fun way to cool off on a hot summer's day. Having a pool at your home provides a long list of benefits that go beyond the water's surface. From creating a neighborhood gathering spot for friends to fostering outdoor family activities, owning an above-ground or in-ground pool adds excitement and practicality to your home right from your backyard.

With that said, it's safe to say that owning a pool is fun - but what about the rest? What about ongoing pool cleaning, pool repair, and pool maintenance? Finding the time and developing the expertise to thoroughly clean and maintain your pool is easier said than done. Thankfully, Coastline Pools has got you covered with reliable, effective pool service in Lincolnville, SC.

Service Areas

Popular Pool Services in Lincolnville, SC Offered by Coastline Pools

When you trust Coastline for your pool services, you can enjoy all the best aspects of owning a pool, like having friends over for a BBQ and watching guests splash and play, while having confidence that your pool is safe and clean. We also ensure that your pool's chemical makeup is balanced properly and that all your equipment is in excellent working condition for a spring and summer full of entertainment.

Some of the most common pool services we provide include:

Pool Cleaning Lincolnville, SC

Weekly Pool Cleanings

Our weekly cleanings include skimming the pool, brushing, vacuuming, emptying baskets, blowing the deck free of debris, and making sure your pool has the right chemicals needed for safety and fun. When you use our weekly pool cleaning services, you don't have to scramble to find a pool cleaner last minute. You're already on our schedule!

 Pool Maintenance Lincolnville, SC

Weekly Pool Chemical Checks

If you're sick and tired of dealing with foul-smelling, unsafe pool chemicals every week of the summer, this option is perfect for you. We test, balance, and provide all chemicals needed to maintain your pool on a weekly basis. You do the cleaning; we take care of the chemicals.

 Pool Repair Lincolnville, SC
Pool Repairs

Pool Repairs

Whether it is a simple pump or an entire equipment set installation, Coastline Pools can handle it all and more. We do all work in-house, meaning you don't have to worry about a random person showing up at your home. You'll see the same friendly faces at your property every time we provide you with pool service.

 Pool Service Lincolnville, SC
Pool Startups

Pool Startups

Just because we didn't personally build your pool doesn't mean we can't start it up! Proper chemicals are crucial in the beginning stages of a pool, whether concrete, fiberglass, or liner finish. Let us take that stress away from you with our startup service.

 Pool Pump Installation Lincolnville, SC
Pool Inspections

Pool Inspections

When buying a home with a pool, it is highly recommended that a pool inspection be done alongside the home inspection. Having a pool inspection is sort of like having a cheat code to see any and all issues involved with it. Of course, after your pool inspection, our pool techs will document those issues. We'll also provide remediation advice and give an overview of how your pool works so you aren't left wondering what to do next.

Pool Cleaning Lincolnville, SC

Top Reasons to Consider a Pool Service in Lincolnville, SC

If you've recently installed a swimming pool and you're considering whether to hire a pool service, you might initially think it's unnecessary and too costly. You may be used to taking the DIY route for a lot of your house maintenance and repairs. After all, there's an abundance of information on the internet about how to care for and maintain your pool by yourself.

However, unless you have ample time and the desire to learn an industry's worth of new information, you'll quickly realize that doing it yourself might not be the best option. In this article, we'll highlight the most important reasons why you should reconsider the DIY approach for your swimming pool and instead hire pool experts like Coastline Pools.

As you get your pool ready for the summer, it's important to check the stability of all pool fixtures, such as pool fences, decks, chairs, pool ladders, railings, dive boards, and pool maintenance equipment. You should also make sure to lubricate all metal bolts and O-rings to prevent rust buildup and ensure that the pool can be easily closed come winter.

Nowadays, the internet is full of valuable resources that can help you learn just about anything, including how to take care of your pool. It can be very fulfilling to acquire new knowledge and handle tasks on your own that you would normally hire someone else to do, like fixing minor plumbing issues or changing a car's spark plug. However, maintaining a pool is a different story altogether.

It requires a significant amount of research and can take up many hours of your time, even an entire weekend just to learn the basics. By hiring a trusted pool service provider like Coastline Pools, you can save that time and let experienced pool technicians take care of your pool for you. This way, you don't have to worry about whether or not you're doing everything correctly, as mistakes can lead to bigger problems down the line.

Consider this: while it may seem like a good idea to save money by maintaining your pool on your own, it could result in costly damages in the long run. For instance, if your filters become too clogged, your pump may fail and require replacement. Did you know that too much algae can cause a pool lining to crack?

By hiring a professional pool service such as Coastline Pools, you can be confident that you will receive expert help that meets the highest industry standards. Regularly scheduling a pool service means you won't make mistakes that you'll later regret. Furthermore, you can relax knowing that we, as pool experts, are licensed and insured, so you are covered for any issues that may arise while your pool is under our care.

Regular maintenance is important to keep swimming pools clean. It is recommended to perform maintenance once a week - sometimes even more than that. True pool cleaning is about much more than skimming leaves off the water and can involve tasks such as:

  • Adding the Right Chemicals to Your Pool
  • Testing Your Chemical Levels
  • Vacuuming Your Pool
  • Removing Debris from Pool Filters
  • Adjusting Circulation
  • Performing Small Repairs
  • Inspecting Your Pool's Pumps
  • Testing Your Pool Equipment Regularly

To be honest, we could keep going with even more tasks related to pool cleaning. Wouldn't you rather spend time enjoying your pool than checking off items on that list? With Coastline Pools by your side, you can focus on having fun with friend and family instead of working on your weekends off.

Hiring an expert pool service can help you avoid major problems with your pool's health by detecting issues before they become serious. A small leak can be difficult to spot by an untrained eye. With time, that small leak can cause significant damage that requires pool repair in Lincolnville, SC. With Coastline Pools by your side, however, you can rest assured that minor issues won't become overwhelming.

If you have recently had a swimming pool installed, you know how valuable it is to your home. Not only does it provide a lot of fun for your family during summer, but it can also enhance your property's overall value. However, owning a pool comes with responsibilities. Neglecting to maintain your pool can decrease its value and lead to costly repairs. To ensure that your pool remains a valuable asset, it's essential to schedule regular pool service and upkeep. That way, you can enjoy your pool without having to worry about its long-term maintenance.

Having a well-maintained swimming pool is crucial for the safety and happiness of you and your family when swimming. Neglecting maintenance and failing to check things like your pool's chemical levels can lead to potential health issues for those who swim in it. Fortunately, Coastline Pools is here to provide the expertise and care that you, your family, and your friends deserve.

 Pool Maintenance Lincolnville, SC

Follow These Steps to Open Your Pool for the Season

The weather is heating up around Lincolnville, SC and across South Carolina. That means that pool owners like you are opening their pools to kick off the summer season. But what should you do if you are a new pool owner or don't remember how to get started with pool season?

Opening your pool doesn't have to be an overwhelming task. With the right preparation, it can be a surprisingly simple and manageable process. At Coastline Pools, we want to help you have a smooth and safe pool-opening experience while avoiding pool repair in Lincolnville, SC. Here are some top tips to keep in mind to get started off on the right foot.

 Pool Repair Lincolnville, SC

1. Start with Safety

As you get your pool ready for the summer, it's important to check the stability of all pool fixtures, such as pool fences, decks, chairs, pool ladders, railings, dive boards, and pool maintenance equipment. You should also make sure to lubricate all metal bolts and O-rings to prevent rust buildup and ensure that the pool can be easily closed come winter.

 Pool Service Lincolnville, SC
Pool's Cover

2. Take Off Your Pool's Cover

Before you think about taking the cover off of our pool, be sure to remove any water on top of it by using a pump specifically designed for pool covers. When that's done, you can use a pool net or a brush to remove any debris that has been collected on top. When that's done, it's time to remove your pool cover. This process can be made much easier with the help of a partner. Once your pool cover is removed, be sure to lay it out flat to dry before gently folding and storing it.

 Pool Pump Installation Lincolnville, SC
Pool On

3. Turn Your Pool On

To ensure that your pool runs smoothly, it's important to remember a few key steps. Before starting the pump for the first time, make sure the water level in the pool is up to the middle of the skimmer. When you're ready to start running the pool equipment, simply reverse the steps you took when closing the pool.

That may include tasks like hooking up the filter and pump, replacing skimmer baskets, and checking for any leaks or cracks. By following these steps, you can keep your pool in top condition and enjoy it all season long. If you spot any concerning signs that may require pool maintenance, contact Coastline Pools ASAP.

Make Sure You've Got Clean Water Before Jumping In

How do you know if your water is safe and clean for swimming? You've got to shock it with the right chemicals. You should also ensure that your pool water has a stable chemical balance and is visibly clean and clear before diving in. To do so, run your pool equipment nonstop for 48-72 hours. To keep your pool sparkling throughout the pool season, follow normal pool maintenance procedures and use algaecides as needed.

The Premier Choice for Pool Service in Lincolnville, SC

At Coastline Pools, we're passionate about working hard on your pool so that you can play. Our pool maintenance service involves the use of advanced techniques and high-quality chemicals to ensure that your pool's pH levels are optimal, harmful bacteria is eliminated, and algae growth is prevented.

We offer weekly maintenance plans that cover everything from cleaning and balancing pool chemicals to inspecting your pool equipment for any potential issues. If pool repair is needed, we strive to provide educational, efficient service. Our team of trained and certified pool professionals are passionate about the pool industry and are committed to providing quality service to each customer who becomes part of the Coastline Pools family.

Contact our office today to learn more about how Coastline Pools can help you protect your investment while enjoying it to its fullest.

Pool Cleaning Lincolnville, SC

Latest News in Lincolnville, SC

Behre: The name Lincolnville is the first and surest sign this SC town is different

The town, which I'm guessing is the state's only public place named in honor of President Abraham Lincoln, didn't merit an entry in the South Carolina Encyclopedia — not even in the index. Many people who live in the Charleston region don't even know where it is.But Pernessa Seele, whose ancestors helped found this incorporated African American town and who grew up and went to school and church here before moving away for work, hopes ...

The town, which I'm guessing is the state's only public place named in honor of President Abraham Lincoln, didn't merit an entry in the South Carolina Encyclopedia — not even in the index. Many people who live in the Charleston region don't even know where it is.

But Pernessa Seele, whose ancestors helped found this incorporated African American town and who grew up and went to school and church here before moving away for work, hopes to change that. She seems uniquely positioned to do so. Her professional experience includes having founded and run The Balm in Gilead Inc., a 33-year-old Virginia-based nonprofit that works with faith communities in the United States and in the United Republic of Tanzania in East Africa to reduce health disparities.

"Lincolnville and its history live in me. It's in my blood," she says. "Lincolnville has just been sitting here waiting for me to come back and get busy."

And she has. She still hasn't moved back full time, but she has founded the Lincolnville Preservation & Historical Society and printed brochures and newsletters to share the town's story. She has reached out to the Clemson's Graduate Program in Historic Preservation for help documenting and assessing the town's Bible Sojourn Cemetery and one of its most curious surviving buildings. And she has plans for a historical park as well as walking and biking trails that would make the town's past more accessible to present eyes.

While many people driving along U.S. Highway 78 south of Summerville might notice a Lincolnville town limits sign, it's hard for passing motorists to appreciate what's here, particularly beyond the town hall at 141 W. Broad St. (originally the 19th-century Williams Graded School, a Rosenwald School) that was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980 but suffered a severe fire two years later. It was rebuilt as the Town Hall in honor of former longtime Mayor Charles Ross.

The town's story began just two years after the end of the Civil War when U.S. Rep. and Emanuel AME pastor Richard Cain led a group of seven black Charleston men, all of whom were likely frustrated with their treatment in the city, to find a place for a new community they could call their own. They found a site along the train line about 20 miles north of Charleston and spent $1,000 to buy 620 acres from the railroad. The tract was known as "Pump Pond" and formed a perfect circle around the stop where the train's engineer could get fresh water.

Unlike many other 19th century settlement communities, Lincolnville incorporated in 1889 and survives to this day as a local government still led largely by African Americans, many descended from the town's early generations.

In that sense, it's unique. The historic African American town of Atlantic Beach began in the 1930s but didn't incorporate until a year after the Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts had passed. Maryville, just two miles west of the Charleston peninsula, was incorporated in 1886 but was dissolved in 1936. Mitchelville on Hilton Head Island began during the Civil War as a military mission and evolved into a self-governed community of formerly enslaved people, but it never incorporated, and it slowly faded after the war.

Lincolnville's past can still be read on the landscape, if you know where to look — not unlike the historic cornerstone on Wesley Methodist Church, which notes its 1887 beginnings but which also is obscured by lattice placed around the base.

Not many historic-looking buildings survive in Lincolnville, but one that does is the town's 1933 jail, a tiny stucco structure off Smith Street with two cryptlike cells. Clemson students plan to study its condition and recommend preservation steps.

Seele's efforts scored a recent success, with the National Park Service adding the town to the Reconstruction Era National Historic Network, a series of national places that related to the 1861-1900 Reconstruction Era, "one of the most fascinating and misunderstood periods in American History," in the agency's words.

Ultimately, Seele hopes Lincolnville will become a tourism destination for all those coming to Charleston interested in African American history. Until it does, expect her to remain busy trying to make it so.

"I tell folks when I was 17, I was running away from my mom’s house," she says, "and now I’m running back."

Get a weekly recap of South Carolina opinion and analysis from The Post and Courier in your inbox on Monday evenings.

Commentary: Lincolnville, SC, is black history

Like the pristine waters of the ebbing and flowing creeks from the Ashley River through Lincolnville, the town’s journey travels through many eras of American history. The Charleston-Hamburg Railway was the world’s longest track of rail (136 miles) when it was completed in 1833. The railway ran through Pump Pond, which would be renamed “Lincolnville” by Bishop Richard Harvey Cain 34 years later. On Oct. 3, 1832, these rail tracks carried the first steam engine locomotive as well as the first passenger train in America...

Like the pristine waters of the ebbing and flowing creeks from the Ashley River through Lincolnville, the town’s journey travels through many eras of American history. The Charleston-Hamburg Railway was the world’s longest track of rail (136 miles) when it was completed in 1833. The railway ran through Pump Pond, which would be renamed “Lincolnville” by Bishop Richard Harvey Cain 34 years later. On Oct. 3, 1832, these rail tracks carried the first steam engine locomotive as well as the first passenger train in America. The train ran from Line Street in Charleston to Summerville. The history of the innovative pre-Civil War railway system can be heard thundering through Lincolnville four times daily 191 years later.

The Charleston-Hamburg Railway was central to the growth of South Carolina’s economy in the 1800s, and vital transportation for the Confederate Army during the Civil War. No doubt the builders of these tracks and locomotive operators were enslaved men who perhaps lay at rest in Lincolnville’s historic cemeteries, Bible Sojourn and Hamburg cemeteries.

Lincolnville was founded in 1867, two years after the Civil War ended and the beginning of the Reconstruction era, and was incorporated in 1887, making it one of the oldest African American towns in South Carolina. The town’s founder, Bishop Cain, was among the first African Americans from South Carolina elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, in 1872.

It would be 98 years later, during the civil rights era in 1970, when Herbert U. Fielding became the first African American elected to the S.C. House of Representative since the Reconstruction era. Fielding, a son of Julius and Sadie Fielding, spent many of his childhood days at his family home in Lincolnville where his father, founder of Fielding Home for Funerals in Charleston, had purchased land and built a home. Located on the corner of Dunmeyer Hill Road and Lincoln Avenue (across from the Community Garden), the Fielding residence was the gathering place for many strategic meetings hosted by Herbert Fielding for S.C. Democratic Party members. Among them was a young James E. Clyburn, who is now assistant Democratic leader in the U.S. House.

One of the many crown jewels of history in Lincolnville is the Rosenwald School, now operating as the Charles Ross Municipal Building at 141 W. Broad Street. Julius Rosenwald, son of a German immigrant who rose to become president of Sears & Roebuck in 1908, partnered with his friend Booker T. Washington, founding president of Tuskegee University, to build schools throughout the South for African American children.

During the Jim Crow era, education was not provided for African American children in the rural South. Rosenwald provided funds for more than 5,357 school buildings, including Lincolnville Elementary School, which was built in 1923.

Black history is Lincolnville. For more information, visit

Pernessa C. Seele founded the Lincolnville Preservation & Historical Society and works to raise awareness about the town's unique history.

Get a weekly recap of South Carolina opinion and analysis from The Post and Courier in your inbox on Monday evenings.

9 Christmas parades happening across the tri-county this weekend

SUMMERVILLE, S.C. (WCBD) – The holiday season is in full swing and several holiday parades are happening this weekend to get you into the spirit.Goose Creek, Mount Pleasant, Summerville, Awendaw, Hollywood, Folly Beach, Ridgeville, and Lincolnville and the Parade of Boats are scheduled for Saturday and Sunday.But the forecast may put a little damper on the festive fun. While most parades happen rain or shine, Storm Team 2 says there are showers and thunderstorms in the forecast on Sunday afternoon and evening. Wind gusts ...

SUMMERVILLE, S.C. (WCBD) – The holiday season is in full swing and several holiday parades are happening this weekend to get you into the spirit.

Goose Creek, Mount Pleasant, Summerville, Awendaw, Hollywood, Folly Beach, Ridgeville, and Lincolnville and the Parade of Boats are scheduled for Saturday and Sunday.

But the forecast may put a little damper on the festive fun. While most parades happen rain or shine, Storm Team 2 says there are showers and thunderstorms in the forecast on Sunday afternoon and evening. Wind gusts up to 30 or 40 mph are expected Sunday and Sunday night.

Goose Creek will kick the weekend off with its parade on Saturday at 9:30 a.m. Organizers say the parade will travel along St. James Avenue and ends at Marilyn Street. Road closures will begin at 7:00 a.m., and the city has set a rain date for December 16.

Folly Beach will hold its Christmas parade along Center Street at noon on Saturday. The city will also hold a menorah lighting at Folly River Park later that afternoon at 5:00 p.m. – and make plans for the new year with the annual Flip Flop Drop happening on New Year’s Eve.

The Town of Ridgeville’s parade is also scheduled for noon on Saturday. Float line up begins at South Main and Dorchester Streets and the route will travel straight to the old Clay Elementary School.

Residents in Awendaw can enjoy the town’s Christmas parade on Saturday from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. The parade will begin at the Seewee Outpost and travels on Seewee Road to Goodwine Circle.

Spectators will enjoy vintage cars, local celebrities tossing candy, marching bands, and even Santa Claus in the fire engine!

Lincolnville’s Christmas parade and tree lighting take place on Saturday. The parade begins at 4:00 p.m. and will march from W. Pine Street to W. Carolina Street, W. Boundary Street to Slidel Street, Smith Street to Lincoln Avenue, and back to W. Pine.

The tree lighting will take place at town hall on W. Broad Street at 6:00 p.m. There, you’ll enjoy refreshments, a marshmallow roast, food trucks, music, and Santa.

A lineup of lighted and festive boats will lead the Holiday Parade of Boats on Saturday night. The parade will take place on the Cooper River, through Charleston Harbor, and into the Ashley River. The best point of view from Charleston Harbor is 6:00 p.m.

Summerville’s parade on Sunday is set to the theme of Christmas movies this year. It starts on W. 4th Street North at 2:00 p.m., travels south on Main Street, west on W. Richardson Ave., and north on N. Hickory Street.

Arrive early and enjoy some holiday shopping or have a bite to eat in downtown Summerville. Organizers have set a rain date for December 17th.

The Town of Hollywood has set its parade for Sunday at 2:00 p.m. at Hollywood Town Center. They also have a carnival party happening on Saturday from 12:00 p.m. until 6:00 pm.

Finally, the Town of Mount Pleasant’s annual Christmas Light Parade will take place Sunday at 5:30 p.m. The parade begins with a firework display, and then floats, bands and more will march down Coleman Boulevard to Patriots Point Road. The parade is expected to continue rain or shine, but organizers say they will halt the event if it weather poses a safety threat.


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