trusted100% satisfaction guarantee.

Stay Cool and Confident with Pool Service from Coastline Pools


Pool Repair in Seabrook Island, SC

Few summer activities are as enjoyable and refreshing as jumping in a pool when the temperatures heat up in South Carolina. That's especially true when you've got a family with children who love to splash around once school lets out. But owning a pool isn't only about having a convenient, fun way to cool off on a hot summer's day. Having a pool at your home provides a long list of benefits that go beyond the water's surface. From creating a neighborhood gathering spot for friends to fostering outdoor family activities, owning an above-ground or in-ground pool adds excitement and practicality to your home right from your backyard.

With that said, it's safe to say that owning a pool is fun - but what about the rest? What about ongoing pool cleaning, pool repair, and pool maintenance? Finding the time and developing the expertise to thoroughly clean and maintain your pool is easier said than done. Thankfully, Coastline Pools has got you covered with reliable, effective pool service in Seabrook Island, SC.

Service Areas

Popular Pool Services in Seabrook Island, SC Offered by Coastline Pools

When you trust Coastline for your pool services, you can enjoy all the best aspects of owning a pool, like having friends over for a BBQ and watching guests splash and play, while having confidence that your pool is safe and clean. We also ensure that your pool's chemical makeup is balanced properly and that all your equipment is in excellent working condition for a spring and summer full of entertainment.

Some of the most common pool services we provide include:

Pool Cleaning Seabrook Island, SC

Weekly Pool Cleanings

Our weekly cleanings include skimming the pool, brushing, vacuuming, emptying baskets, blowing the deck free of debris, and making sure your pool has the right chemicals needed for safety and fun. When you use our weekly pool cleaning services, you don't have to scramble to find a pool cleaner last minute. You're already on our schedule!

 Pool Maintenance Seabrook Island, SC

Weekly Pool Chemical Checks

If you're sick and tired of dealing with foul-smelling, unsafe pool chemicals every week of the summer, this option is perfect for you. We test, balance, and provide all chemicals needed to maintain your pool on a weekly basis. You do the cleaning; we take care of the chemicals.

 Pool Repair Seabrook Island, SC
Pool Repairs

Pool Repairs

Whether it is a simple pump or an entire equipment set installation, Coastline Pools can handle it all and more. We do all work in-house, meaning you don't have to worry about a random person showing up at your home. You'll see the same friendly faces at your property every time we provide you with pool service.

 Pool Service Seabrook Island, SC
Pool Startups

Pool Startups

Just because we didn't personally build your pool doesn't mean we can't start it up! Proper chemicals are crucial in the beginning stages of a pool, whether concrete, fiberglass, or liner finish. Let us take that stress away from you with our startup service.

 Pool Pump Installation Seabrook Island, SC
Pool Inspections

Pool Inspections

When buying a home with a pool, it is highly recommended that a pool inspection be done alongside the home inspection. Having a pool inspection is sort of like having a cheat code to see any and all issues involved with it. Of course, after your pool inspection, our pool techs will document those issues. We'll also provide remediation advice and give an overview of how your pool works so you aren't left wondering what to do next.

Pool Cleaning Seabrook Island, SC

Top Reasons to Consider a Pool Service in Seabrook Island, SC

If you've recently installed a swimming pool and you're considering whether to hire a pool service, you might initially think it's unnecessary and too costly. You may be used to taking the DIY route for a lot of your house maintenance and repairs. After all, there's an abundance of information on the internet about how to care for and maintain your pool by yourself.

However, unless you have ample time and the desire to learn an industry's worth of new information, you'll quickly realize that doing it yourself might not be the best option. In this article, we'll highlight the most important reasons why you should reconsider the DIY approach for your swimming pool and instead hire pool experts like Coastline Pools.

As you get your pool ready for the summer, it's important to check the stability of all pool fixtures, such as pool fences, decks, chairs, pool ladders, railings, dive boards, and pool maintenance equipment. You should also make sure to lubricate all metal bolts and O-rings to prevent rust buildup and ensure that the pool can be easily closed come winter.

Nowadays, the internet is full of valuable resources that can help you learn just about anything, including how to take care of your pool. It can be very fulfilling to acquire new knowledge and handle tasks on your own that you would normally hire someone else to do, like fixing minor plumbing issues or changing a car's spark plug. However, maintaining a pool is a different story altogether.

It requires a significant amount of research and can take up many hours of your time, even an entire weekend just to learn the basics. By hiring a trusted pool service provider like Coastline Pools, you can save that time and let experienced pool technicians take care of your pool for you. This way, you don't have to worry about whether or not you're doing everything correctly, as mistakes can lead to bigger problems down the line.

Consider this: while it may seem like a good idea to save money by maintaining your pool on your own, it could result in costly damages in the long run. For instance, if your filters become too clogged, your pump may fail and require replacement. Did you know that too much algae can cause a pool lining to crack?

By hiring a professional pool service such as Coastline Pools, you can be confident that you will receive expert help that meets the highest industry standards. Regularly scheduling a pool service means you won't make mistakes that you'll later regret. Furthermore, you can relax knowing that we, as pool experts, are licensed and insured, so you are covered for any issues that may arise while your pool is under our care.

Regular maintenance is important to keep swimming pools clean. It is recommended to perform maintenance once a week - sometimes even more than that. True pool cleaning is about much more than skimming leaves off the water and can involve tasks such as:

  • Adding the Right Chemicals to Your Pool
  • Testing Your Chemical Levels
  • Vacuuming Your Pool
  • Removing Debris from Pool Filters
  • Adjusting Circulation
  • Performing Small Repairs
  • Inspecting Your Pool's Pumps
  • Testing Your Pool Equipment Regularly

To be honest, we could keep going with even more tasks related to pool cleaning. Wouldn't you rather spend time enjoying your pool than checking off items on that list? With Coastline Pools by your side, you can focus on having fun with friend and family instead of working on your weekends off.

Hiring an expert pool service can help you avoid major problems with your pool's health by detecting issues before they become serious. A small leak can be difficult to spot by an untrained eye. With time, that small leak can cause significant damage that requires pool repair in Seabrook Island, SC. With Coastline Pools by your side, however, you can rest assured that minor issues won't become overwhelming.

If you have recently had a swimming pool installed, you know how valuable it is to your home. Not only does it provide a lot of fun for your family during summer, but it can also enhance your property's overall value. However, owning a pool comes with responsibilities. Neglecting to maintain your pool can decrease its value and lead to costly repairs. To ensure that your pool remains a valuable asset, it's essential to schedule regular pool service and upkeep. That way, you can enjoy your pool without having to worry about its long-term maintenance.

Having a well-maintained swimming pool is crucial for the safety and happiness of you and your family when swimming. Neglecting maintenance and failing to check things like your pool's chemical levels can lead to potential health issues for those who swim in it. Fortunately, Coastline Pools is here to provide the expertise and care that you, your family, and your friends deserve.

 Pool Maintenance Seabrook Island, SC

Follow These Steps to Open Your Pool for the Season

The weather is heating up around Seabrook Island, SC and across South Carolina. That means that pool owners like you are opening their pools to kick off the summer season. But what should you do if you are a new pool owner or don't remember how to get started with pool season?

Opening your pool doesn't have to be an overwhelming task. With the right preparation, it can be a surprisingly simple and manageable process. At Coastline Pools, we want to help you have a smooth and safe pool-opening experience while avoiding pool repair in Seabrook Island, SC. Here are some top tips to keep in mind to get started off on the right foot.

 Pool Repair Seabrook Island, SC

1. Start with Safety

As you get your pool ready for the summer, it's important to check the stability of all pool fixtures, such as pool fences, decks, chairs, pool ladders, railings, dive boards, and pool maintenance equipment. You should also make sure to lubricate all metal bolts and O-rings to prevent rust buildup and ensure that the pool can be easily closed come winter.

 Pool Service Seabrook Island, SC
Pool's Cover

2. Take Off Your Pool's Cover

Before you think about taking the cover off of our pool, be sure to remove any water on top of it by using a pump specifically designed for pool covers. When that's done, you can use a pool net or a brush to remove any debris that has been collected on top. When that's done, it's time to remove your pool cover. This process can be made much easier with the help of a partner. Once your pool cover is removed, be sure to lay it out flat to dry before gently folding and storing it.

 Pool Pump Installation Seabrook Island, SC
Pool On

3. Turn Your Pool On

To ensure that your pool runs smoothly, it's important to remember a few key steps. Before starting the pump for the first time, make sure the water level in the pool is up to the middle of the skimmer. When you're ready to start running the pool equipment, simply reverse the steps you took when closing the pool.

That may include tasks like hooking up the filter and pump, replacing skimmer baskets, and checking for any leaks or cracks. By following these steps, you can keep your pool in top condition and enjoy it all season long. If you spot any concerning signs that may require pool maintenance, contact Coastline Pools ASAP.

Make Sure You've Got Clean Water Before Jumping In

How do you know if your water is safe and clean for swimming? You've got to shock it with the right chemicals. You should also ensure that your pool water has a stable chemical balance and is visibly clean and clear before diving in. To do so, run your pool equipment nonstop for 48-72 hours. To keep your pool sparkling throughout the pool season, follow normal pool maintenance procedures and use algaecides as needed.

The Premier Choice for Pool Service in Seabrook Island, SC

At Coastline Pools, we're passionate about working hard on your pool so that you can play. Our pool maintenance service involves the use of advanced techniques and high-quality chemicals to ensure that your pool's pH levels are optimal, harmful bacteria is eliminated, and algae growth is prevented.

We offer weekly maintenance plans that cover everything from cleaning and balancing pool chemicals to inspecting your pool equipment for any potential issues. If pool repair is needed, we strive to provide educational, efficient service. Our team of trained and certified pool professionals are passionate about the pool industry and are committed to providing quality service to each customer who becomes part of the Coastline Pools family.

Contact our office today to learn more about how Coastline Pools can help you protect your investment while enjoying it to its fullest.

Pool Cleaning Seabrook Island, SC

Latest News in Seabrook Island, SC

First-ever committee addresses Seabrook Island short-term rentals

SEABROOK ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - A first-time special committee on short-term rentals is hearing Seabrook Island residents’ concerns and hopes for the island’s future.The Seabrook Island Town Council established a Special Committee on Short-Term Rentals on Jan. 4 with the members being appointed on Jan. 23.The committee’s purpose is to study short-term rental activities and trends within the town. This could involve limiting the number of short-term rentals, limiting the ownership of multiple short-term rentals,...

SEABROOK ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - A first-time special committee on short-term rentals is hearing Seabrook Island residents’ concerns and hopes for the island’s future.

The Seabrook Island Town Council established a Special Committee on Short-Term Rentals on Jan. 4 with the members being appointed on Jan. 23.

The committee’s purpose is to study short-term rental activities and trends within the town. This could involve limiting the number of short-term rentals, limiting the ownership of multiple short-term rentals, what fees are reasonable, etc.

Seabrook Island is home to 2,345 family homes and villas and 588 of those are short-term rentals, according to the town.

With about 25% of the island being taken up by short-term rentals, some residents say there are issues that need to be addressed.

“Agitating alligators,” Seabrook Island resident John Lagna said during Wednesday’s first public forum. “Secondly, speeding. Thirdly, ignoring stop signs... Lastly, ignoring amenity rules.”

However, not everyone agrees.

“There are a number of factors that have entered into it, but short-term rentals seem to be an easy target,” resident Debra Hardick said.

The committee says they are referencing data from peak COVID-19 times from when the number of renters significantly increased.

Resident Paul McLaughlin says the growth of the island has impacted the overall sense of community.

“If you don’t know who your neighbors are, it’s just not a very good feeling,” McLaughlin said.

The committee is made up of a town councilman, homeowners and even short-term rental owners who have been on the island for around a decade or more. They say the town has previously had an Ad Hoc Committee to address this topic, which was allowed to be done privately, but they want this one to be public to increase transparency.

Darryl May is the only town councilman on the short-term rental committee while the other seven are residents.

“So, the goal of this committee is to develop a set of proposals for the town council to pass an ordinance,” May said.

During the public forum, some shared ideas for what that ordinance may or may not look like.

“I think we should allow renters,” resident Ann Laporte said. “I think we should allow a minimum of three nights. No more than that.”

Resident Bill Boissonalt has another idea, adding that the town shouldn’t still be referencing data from peak COVID in 2020.

“I just don’t believe that we need any new regulations regarding the overnight stay, the capped rentals, based on history,” Boissonalt said.

As far as what the committee thinks the ordinance could look like, May says he doesn’t want to jump the gun.

“I won’t hazard to guess because we’re just starting out this process and we want to have a very open mind,” May said. “But we do anticipate getting an ordinance by about June.”

There are still three more public hearings over the next two weeks and the committee encourages Seabrook Island residents and those who rent on the island to speak.

Click here to read more about past short-term rental data and sign up for public comment.

Read below for the details on the next three public forums:

Public Forum #2

Public Forum #3

Public Forum #4

Copyright 2024 WCSC. All rights reserved.

Seabrook Island short-term rental petition won’t change outcome, town says

SEABROOK ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - A potential short-term rental ordinance on Seabrook Island has some residents signing a petition in hopes the town will decide not to cap the number of short-term rentals.David Sweet, a Seabrook Island resident, gathered over 500 signatures on a petition for the town not to put a cap on short-term rentals, but the town says the opinions they’ve gathered are already enough.“I’ve come to the conclusion that caps aren’t needed because ...

SEABROOK ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - A potential short-term rental ordinance on Seabrook Island has some residents signing a petition in hopes the town will decide not to cap the number of short-term rentals.

David Sweet, a Seabrook Island resident, gathered over 500 signatures on a petition for the town not to put a cap on short-term rentals, but the town says the opinions they’ve gathered are already enough.

“I’ve come to the conclusion that caps aren’t needed because the data that the town’s provided to you,” Sweet says. “...Doesn’t bare out the need for caps.”

Sweet says he’s kept his property as a short-term rental since owning it in May 2021. He says that owning comes with a large price tag because it’s mandatory to join the Seabrook Island Club for seven years when first buying property.

Since 2021, the minimum joining fee went from $3,600 to $15,000. The most expensive membership went from $33,000 to $70,000.

Sweet also started a petition to see how many other residents are against any potential cap on STRs.

“What most owners are concerned about is what’s it going to do to property values on the island?” Sweet says. “And what’s it going to do to real estate sales on the island?... Real estate sales help drive that next level of future owners and future club members.”

Darryl May, short-term rental committee chair and town councilperson, says the committee has received over 450 written public comments and about 100 in-person comments.

“No disrespect intended, but I don’t think the petition provides any additional information than what we set out to get and did get ourselves,” May says.

The purpose of this committee is to study short-term rental activities and trends within the town. This could involve limiting the number of short-term rentals, limiting the ownership of multiple short-term rentals, what fees are reasonable, etc.

Seabrook Island is home to 2,345 family homes and villas and 588 of those are short-term rentals, according to the town.

May says, so far, the committee has made mostly unanimous decisions on recommendations they plan to take to council in June. These include setting a noise ordinance at 10 p.m., banning recreational-use drones and enacting a stricter trash removal process for all Seabrook Islanders. Short-term rental owners could see a reduction in occupancy and parking.

He says in the next workshop, they will discuss how they plan to enforce these recommendations. The last two workshops will talk about whether or not they need a short-term rental cap.

“We are not going to do something that we think will deter people from coming here,” May says. “...We want to accommodate everyone but do it in a way that preserves Seabrook’s future growth.

The committee says they plan to bring all recommendations to the town council in June before they make the final call.

Click here for the full schedule of the last short-term rental committee workshops.

Read below for a breakdown of membership fees to the Seabrook Island Club from 2020-2024, or click here.

Seabrook Island Club fees breakdown by Live 5 News on Scribd

Copyright 2024 WCSC. All rights reserved.

The Best Islands In South Carolina, According To Our Readers

From celebrated golf courses to unspoiled beaches, these destinations have it all.South Carolina is often referred to as the Palmetto State, so named for the abundance of the trees in the area, but it could just as easily be dubbed the Barrier Island State. With 34 barrier and tidal islands peppering its shoreline (more than any other state ...

From celebrated golf courses to unspoiled beaches, these destinations have it all.

South Carolina is often referred to as the Palmetto State, so named for the abundance of the trees in the area, but it could just as easily be dubbed the Barrier Island State. With 34 barrier and tidal islands peppering its shoreline (more than any other state except for Florida), South Carolina spills over with natural wonders, beautiful beaches, and unique destinations to explore. In our 2024 South's Best awards, readers voted on some of the very best of them. Here are the best islands in South Carolina, according to our readers.

The South's Best 2024

01 of 10

Hilton Head Island

With 12 miles of public beaches, more than 24 championship golf courses, and around 250 restaurants, Hilton Head's numerical stats alone prove why it's one of the state's most beloved islands. But the real magic, of course, belongs to its community—a mix of transplants and born-and-breds who are sure to make you feel right at home, whether you're sampling local oysters at Hudson's on the Docks or watching the boats come in at Shelter Cove Marina.

Explore Hilton Head

02 of 10

Isle of Palms

There’s nothing sleepy about this mile-wide destination just a short drive from downtown Charleston, where the activity and restaurant offerings belie its small size. Catch a concert at beachfront venue The Windjammer, play golf or tennis at nearby resort Wild Dunes (where you can book a stay in one of the property’s two inns or numerous vacation rentals), or shake out your towel on a sliver of the island’s six miles of sandy beaches for a leisurely day in the sun.

Explore Isle of Palms

03 of 10

Kiawah Island

While much of this tree-shaded barrier island is accessible only to those staying at Kiawah Island Golf Resort (either at The Sanctuary hotel or in one of their many rental properties), Beachwalker Park on the island’s west end is home to one of the state’s most beautiful beaches. Here, you’ll find both ocean-fronting shoreline and river views and can rent chairs and umbrellas for a no-fuss beach day. On your way, pick up deli sandwiches from The Station, an old-school convenience store in Freshfields Village, for an easy picnic.

Explore Kiawah Island

04 of 10

Edisto Island

This sea island about an hour’s drive from Charleston feels like a throwback in all the best ways. You won’t find high-rise hotels here, and the wildest nights are Tuesdays and Thursdays from the end of May through the beginning of August when the Edisto Island Lions Club hosts bingo (no booze allowed). For seasonally driven fare made with locally sourced ingredients, settle in for a meal at Ella and Ollie's (pictured above). The area’s crowning jewel is Botany Bay, a 4,600-acre nature preserve with nearly three miles of unspoiled shoreline, where erosion has left dead trees in its wake, resulting in a beautiful, otherworldly span referred to as the “boneyard beach.”

Explore Edisto Island

05 of 10

Sullivan’s Island

Just two-and-a-half miles long, Sullivan’s is a secret that Charleston locals are keen to keep. First settled in the late 17th century, the island can claim an embarrassment of riches when it comes to both historical significance and natural beauty. The wide beaches are pristine, and there’s nary a trace of touristy kitsch on Middle Street, the town’s main drag—just a handful of memorable eateries (we’re partial to The Obstinate Daughter’s house-made pastas) and well-curated shops (visit Sandpiper Gallery to peruse the work of local artists). The bitty beach town is big on curb appeal too: thoughtfully maintained historic homes and storybook cottages with flower-swamped trellises line the streets that crawl toward the beach.

06 of 10

Folly Island

About a dozen miles from downtown Charleston, this 12-square-mile barrier island is best known for being home to Folly Beach, a laid-back surf town that departs from the Holy City’s tucked-in approach in favor of flip-flop casual. With the Folly River on one side and the Atlantic Ocean on the other, there’s no shortage of opportunities for waterfront fun: Paddle through tidal creeks with a local outfitter, stretch out on the sand (there are six miles of beachfront here), or cast a line from the historic Folly Beach Pier, which recently reopened after extensive renovations.

Explore Folly Beach

07 of 10

Hunting Island

Just a 25-minute drive from downtown Beaufort, explore the seaside charmer's wilder side at Hunting Island State Park (South Carolina's most popular state park). Here, five miles of unspoiled beaches unfurl along the Atlantic and sandy trails wind through dense maritime forest.

08 of 10

Daufuskie Island

As the crow flies, the southernmost of South Carolina’s barrier islands is just miles from Savannah and Hilton Head, but it might as well be worlds away. Daufuskie is accessible only by boat (the official ferry offers four shuttles from Bluffton a day, five on Fridays), which is likely one of the reasons its 500 or so residents have been able to so carefully preserve its natural environment and its rich Gullah history. And while the island remains untouched in many ways, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to see or do here: Tour the island with sixth-generation Daufuskie native Sallie Ann Robinson for an education in Gullah culture; go for a horseback ride on the beach; shop indigo-dyed goods at Daufuskie Blues; and cap off the day with a plate of deviled crab at Old Daufuskie Crab Company.

Explore Daufuskie

09 of 10

Fripp Island

About 20 miles from Beaufort, Fripp Island is a 3,000-acre designated wildlife sanctuary, home to more than 175 species of birds, plus endangered loggerhead turtles who use its beach as a nesting ground. The private island is accessible only to homeowners and those staying in vacation rentals, but once you're here, there's plenty to do, from guided kayak eco-tours to pickleball and golf.

Right next door to Kiawah Island, Seabrook has stunning saltmarsh vistas and celebrated golf courses, along with a full-service equestrian center that offers guided horseback rides. Its nearly four miles of beaches are private, accessible only to residents and those renting, though Bohicket Marina (just before the property’s gates) welcomes anyone and everyone to enjoy its river views. Snag a table on the upper deck of Salty Dog Cafe to tuck into fresh seafood with one of the area’s most memorable sunsets.

Editorial: Seabrook Island, other beach towns, should respect Johns Island growth boundary

The additional boat and car traffic would create more congestion on Betsy Kerrison Parkway in particular and Johns Island in general, as well as more pollution to the otherwise pristine Bohicket Creek. But the biggest reason Town Council should reject the 18-acre annexation is the dangerous precedent it would set, a precedent that would erode the rural character of southern Johns Island.Decades ago, local governments, led by the city of Charleston and Charleston County, agreed on an urban growth boundary across Johns Island and other ...

The additional boat and car traffic would create more congestion on Betsy Kerrison Parkway in particular and Johns Island in general, as well as more pollution to the otherwise pristine Bohicket Creek. But the biggest reason Town Council should reject the 18-acre annexation is the dangerous precedent it would set, a precedent that would erode the rural character of southern Johns Island.

Decades ago, local governments, led by the city of Charleston and Charleston County, agreed on an urban growth boundary across Johns Island and other areas. The big idea was to ensure their zoning and other policies were synchronized to allow suburban development to continue to spread, but only up to a point, beyond which the existing rural nature would be preserved. The boundary has generally worked well, but as with so much other conservation work, it needs to be embraced and reaffirmed by each new generation.

Seabrook Island's potential move would mark one of the first and most dramatic annexations by a municipality into the rural portion of the island; if it succeeds, it almost assuredly wouldn't be the last, and it could hasten the unraveling of the boundary line — and increase development pressures on the shrinking amount of land on the rural side of the boundary.

Robby Maynor of the Coastal Conservation League agrees that annexing and rezoning this property on the rural side of the urban growth boundary would set a disastrous precedent on the county's Sea Islands and could lead to annexation battles such as those that are playing out along the most rural stretches of the upper Ashley River, whose rural historic district remains in jeopardy from encroaching homes, stores and the traffic they bring. Approving the marina project would be "like kicking an anthill and hoping you don't get bit," he says.

The case that the property's owner and other supporters have made for the annexation is that it would give Seabrook Island future control of the site and limit future development there, according to reporter Warren Wise. But the proposal appears to us as designed to facilitate development, not to curb it. Annexing the site, which is next to Bohicket Marina, would allow it to tie into the town's sewer system.

Unfortunately, Seabrook Island's Planning Commission has recommended annexing the site and rezoning it for a mixed-used development. We urge Town Council members to reject that move when they consider the matter Aug. 22.

As Mr. Wise noted, the project is a scaled-down version of a 30-year-old Andell Harbor project that state environmental regulators rightly and mercifully rejected. While this is smaller, with only about 4 acres of development near the creek and the rest set aside for open space, it still would represent an unwelcome and disturbing encroachment into the rural area between the barrier islands of Kiawah and Seabrook and the suburban growth from the city of Charleston.

Last year, we urged elected officials, neighborhood leaders and planners with Charleston County and the two beach towns to come up with a mutually agreed-upon overlay for their shared area at the southern tip of Johns Island. That overlay should guide future development toward the kinds of uses — and the sizes and scale — residents of all three jurisdictions would most like to see, and help address growing real estate pressures in a way residents prefer. We repeat the call for regional cooperation, and Seabrook Island's rejection of this annexation would be an important first step.

Click here for more opinion content from The Post and Courier.

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Code enforcement reports show violations of short-term rentals on Seabrook Island

SEABROOK ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - The debate on short-term rentals continues on Seabrook Island as the special committee met with code enforcement and the property owner’s association to see how much of a burden short-term rentals are causing them.The purpose of the committee is to study short-term rental activities and trends within the town. This could involve limiting the number of...

SEABROOK ISLAND, S.C. (WCSC) - The debate on short-term rentals continues on Seabrook Island as the special committee met with code enforcement and the property owner’s association to see how much of a burden short-term rentals are causing them.

The purpose of the committee is to study short-term rental activities and trends within the town. This could involve limiting the number of short-term rentals, limiting the ownership of multiple short-term rentals, what fees are reasonable, etc.

Seabrook Island is home to 2,345 family homes and villas and 588 of those are short-term rentals, according to the town.

Town councilman Darryl May, who’s also the chair of the committee, said they have heard over 450 comments both written and at the public forums.

He said they show how divided the island really is over whether or not to cap the number or push any more enforcement.

“There probably should be better enforcement of our rules, nuisance-type rules, on the island,” May said. “More understandable enforcement. Things of that nature.”

Town of Seabrook Island Mayor Bruce Kleinman said one of the main takeaways for him was that people are assuming what they want is the opposite of what they think the committee will do. However, he said there’s just no way of knowing that without an outcome and people need to be patient with the process.

“The process is working,” Kleinman said. “I think people in the town need to be a little patient.”

Members of the town’s code enforcement team presented their findings over the last nine months of alleged and identified violations during Wednesday’s meeting.

They found that only 7% of the identified coming from STRs. However, town administrator Joseph Cronin says some of the nuisance violations could overlap.

“There’s probably more violations that are out there,” Cronin said. “But if it’s not reported to us, it’s not observed by us, it’s obviously not going to be reflected in our data.”

Short-term rentals have 27 out of the 378 total found violations. Out of those, just over half came from vehicles parked in a yard or landscape area. The next most were overnight occupancy exceeding the permitted amount. Three violations were found for advertising a non-permitted short-term rental unit.

The team said if they discover a short-term rental has three violations, which they either admitted to or were found guilty in court, they can be suspended. Only then can the town revoke its short-term rental license.

“We felt like that was a little too lenient,” Cronin said. “...A couple incidences where we thought it may be more appropriate to be able to take more dramatic action earlier.”

He said there’s another idea.

“Three violations could be immediate revocation,” Cronin said.

May say he’s heard the argument that STRs lead to people wanting to move full-time to the island. But both he and Kleinman also understand that nuisances, like trash and noise, can be a big deterrent.

The committee has several more meetings before they take their recommendations to the town council which gives the final approval. The goal is to wrap this up by the end of June.

“Even if it isn’t what each Seabrooker hoped for, it will at least be a result that they perceive was reached in a fair way,” Kleinman said.

For the full list of code enforcement violations over the past nine months, read below.

STR Committee Information - 03-20-2023 by Live 5 News on Scribd

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